z/OS HCD and I/O Configuration (ES962)

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About this Course

Learn to work with the Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) function for z/OS, and to plan and initiate dynamic reconfiguration of your zSeries hardware environment. Learn to use the HCD dialogs of z/OS to create an Input/Output (I/O) configuration and dynamically alter the I/O configuration. Learn about the creation of an I/O Configuration Dataset (IOCDS) and various reports that HCD can build. Use a z/OS system to reinforce lecture topics and to practice working with the HCD dialogs. Hands-on lab projects may be done in teams depending on the number of attendees and location.

Audience Profile

This is an intermediate course for individuals who maintain the I/O configuration contained in the I/O Definition Files (IODF) and IOCDS for their z/OS installation.

At Course Completion

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Create an IODF work file from scratch
  • Build a production IODF using a work IODF
  • Build an appropriate LOADxx Parmlib member for Initial Program Loader (IPL)
  • Initiate dynamic reconfiguration changes
  • Create configuration reports using HCD
  • Describe HCD migration considerations
  • Describe how HCD and I/O Operations (formerly Enterprise System Connection Manager (ESCM) are used together
  • Incrementally migrate MVS Configuration Program (MVSCP) and I/O Control Program (IOCP) statements into an IODF work file using HCD


You should complete:

  • An Introduction to the z/OS Environment (ES050)
  • Fundamental System Skills in z/OS (ES10A)

or have basic knowledge of z/OS and I/O Configuration and familiarity with logging on to Time Sharing Option (TSO) and using Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF).

Course Outline

  1. HCD introduction
  2. HCD dialog
  3. Review of hardware structures
  4. Migration
  5. Planning considerations
  6. IPL
  7. Dynamic reconfiguration